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Natasha Bezriche - Rouge Ferré
Natasha Bezriche - Rouge Ferré

Leonard Cohen - Once more for Marianne   (2 CD)
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Leonard Cohen - Once more for Marianne (2 CD)

FM radio broadcast de 125 minutes, live au Casino Barrière de Montreux (Suisse), le 25 Juin 1976

Titres inclus dans ce double album :
CD 1
1. Bird on the Wire (4:46)
2. So Long, Marianne (6:58)
3. Who by Fire (4:11)
4. Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye (4:38)
5. Store Room (5:09)
6. One of Us Cannot Be Wrong (4:45)
7. Lady Midnight (4:01)
8. There Is a War (5:26)
9. I Tried to Leave You (5:40)
10. Diamonds in the Mine (4:06)
11. Chelsea Hotel #2 (5:36)
12. The Stranger Song (5:57)
13. You Know Who I Am (3:05)

CD 2
1. The Partisan (4:09)
2. Story of Isaac (4:45)
3. Famous Blue Raincoat (5:21)
4. Lover, Lover, Lover (6:17)
5. Sisters of Mercy (6:20)
6. Is This What You Wanted (5:28)
7. Suzanne (4:14)
8. The Butcher (5:03)
9. Bird on the Wire (Version 2) (4:47)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (3:59)
11. Joan of Arc (aborted) (5:56)
12. Do I Have to Dance All Night (5:13)


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